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welcome to the website of mundi

This site I wanted to do from time to time!

The praparation is talking for him self.


Warm welcome to all of you who are familiar with coding and computer programming. I have used the name "namu" as a name for a coder. It means holy man and because i do like it very mutch, i desided to publish my works through a own private homepage. You are very welcome if you try to help me out with some coding or want even to give us a help that has somehow to do with coding, we can use it. Besides me, there is an other very fine coder, wich is a friend of mine. We came up with an idea and that is to create a coding devision group that likes computer and video games. A lot were argueing with us that allready there are many in exsistance, so it would not make sence to make one group more on earth. But that's exactly it, maybe the world need a new profesional coding group like us and guess what, we allready have got a name but we wount tell you readers till it hopefuly not taken yet. One thing is, we want the members of it to be active and creative. Anyone with enough experiance in coding and gaming can join.

To all of you; In this occasion I wanted a small start cooperation for common Interests among programmers and / or developers.

As you know there are many computer games that are free.

Then I wanted to build up, the first thing something nifty. Here is a small list that I have asked myself together that come from playing with me under the hood. I have always asked me how such games are developed and wanted to First Person Shooter to defer.

The list is only unlockable games:

  1. Team Fortress 2
  2. Warsow
  3. World of Padman
  4. Urban Terror
  5. Smokin'Guns
  6. Battle Bears -1
  7. Sauerbraten
  8. Red Crucible 2
  9. Shadowgun Deadzone

Then the list of best games for which I had to pay and still play to this day:

For a nice retro games click at the image below!


Comments at all I'd be glad to hear something and to any suggestions I will also give a go. As this page still in its infancy, is always in the future as more improved.
So I ask you to be patient, this is the favor of virtue.


Of course, you will surely find your favourite programs in a section. What exactly is your latest app to the joy you've had?

It means a lot to the game developers also come to train here me. It gave me great pleasure to address exactly this section to represent you. There are developers who should also share the social network to provitieren also more able. This has failed lately.


Many thanks to all People who support the free games and all the programmers who have managed well the average idiot like me to offer these opportunities to develop with.

As well as not more or less out the latest download links listed to play like plug ins and Patch to find

You would certainly glad to a site like this to be found here, ideas for collecting current games with professional skills to run to bring. Above all, I'm doing it to you so comfortable that you only met with a collection of links and you need only enlarge with yet.

Name Link Size
Team Fortress 2Official Homepage15gb
Fist Full of FragsSteam Homepage3gb
WarsowOfficial Site593.5mb
World of PadmanModdb Site2.93gb

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